Week 4, Term 3 Newsletter

Dyer Street School
School Newsletter

Newsletter Contents:

1. Message From the Principal

2. Link Up Committee (Fun and Fundraising group)

3. Sport @ Dyer Street

4. Important Dates and Reminders

5. From the classrooms (Room 4)

6. School Events

7. Community Notices

Kia ora e te whānau, 

We are already flying through the term and nearing the mid-way point next week. Next week, we celebrate Tongan Language Week. This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to embrace and honour the rich language, culture, and traditions of Tonga. We also have Year 1-4 Futsal on Tuesday which will be a great opportunity for younger tamariki to represent our kura.

We are looking forward to our upcoming swimming sessions at Huia Pool starting on Monday 19th August. These will take place over Week 5 and Week 6. Please remind your child to bring their togs and towels on their swimming days so they are fully prepared for the sessions. A big thank you to all the parents who are supporting these lessons, whether through volunteering or helping their child get ready—your involvement makes a huge difference and is greatly appreciated!

A friendly reminder to all parents—don’t forget to grab a coffee or hot drink from the Raumanuka Cafe in our school hall kitchen each morning from 8:15 am onwards. Joce, our wonderful barista, is known for making the best coffee around! Ngā mihi to all the whānau who have supported the cafe so far—we appreciate your continued support and hope to see even more of you enjoying a warm cuppa to start the day!

The Kaitiakitanga Challenge is underway, and classes are being judged daily based on criteria they’ve identified to help keep their classroom spaces tidy and well-cared for. Each class can earn up to 10 points a day, and the class with the highest average score by the end of the term will be treated to a special Fish and Chip lunch with Mr E, followed by a fun game of Paintball Koosh in the hall! Already, our tamariki have shown that with just a bit of extra effort, they can make their classroom spaces truly shine. Keep up the great work, everyone!

The Education Review Office (ERO) will be visiting our kura on Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th of August as part of our external evaluation. This will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase our school in action, highlighting the hard work of our staff and students. Following their visit, we will have the chance to collaborate with ERO to develop our next steps for continued growth and improvement.

Finally, we are starting to unpack the school MANA values further with our tamariki and staff. We would love to get some further feedback from whānau before looking at our branding of these new values. A short survey will be sent next week to gain some further feedback. 

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ngā mihi 

Lee Ewington

He tumuaki no te kura o Dyer Street

This week’s Principal’s Award Winners


The Link Up Committee (the friendly and relaxed parent-led fun and fundraising group) is next meeting on Monday 1st September at 7:30 p.m.

All supporters of Dyer Street School are most welcome. We meet in the school library. 

Next month we will be preparing for quiz night on the 20th of September. This is a significant fundraiser for our school so please come along!

To contact the committee or be added to the Facebook group please email linkupdyerstreet@gmail.com


Neon Disco

Last week’s disco was a really fun family event. We hope everyone enjoyed it.


Swimming starts next week. Please read the important notice on Skool Loop. We still need more parent help so please let your child’s teacher know if you can come, even to only one session. 

Over the next two weeks, we have teams competing in a fun futsal tournament. Thanks to those parents who have offered to help, we really appreciate it. 

Touch Rugby

Sign-ups are still open for touch rugby – follow the link in the Skool Loop notice to register. Registrations close next Friday. 



Upcoming Events

19th – 29th August – School Swimming Lessons @ Huia Pools

19th – 23rd August – Tongan Language Week

20th August – Year 1-4 Futsal Tournament

23rd August – Term 4 Touch Registrations close

27th August – Year 5/6 Futsal Tournament

29th August – 3rd September – Scholastic Book Fair

30th August – Whole School Assembly

13th September – School Production Dress Rehearsal

16 – 17 September – School Production

20 September – Quiz Night

23 – 27 September – Bee Healthy Dental Van onsite

24th September – School Photos

27th September – Last Day of Term 3


Room 4 

We have been super busy getting ready for our production, brainstorming ideas, learning songs and getting our dance moves sorted. The tamariki have been experimenting with interpretive dance that matches our mood, feelings and the Atua.

We were really lucky to have a reliever last week who was also a children’s book illustrator. The tamariki spent the day with her, retelling the story of Bear and Wolf through illustrations using pastel, texture and shading. They have created some amazing artwork, if you haven’t already, come in and have a look at what they’ve created.

Week 3 was Cook Island Language Week. We celebrated with a special kapahaka session where we learned some Cook Island songs and dances. Classes also spent time learning about what makes the Cook Islands special.


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