Week 6, Term 3 Newsletter

Dyer Street School
School Newsletter

Newsletter Contents:

1. Message From the Principal

2. Link Up Committee (Fun and Fundraising group)

3. Sport @ Dyer Street

4. Important Dates and Reminders

5. From the classrooms (Room 2)

6. Community Notices

We’ve wrapped up another productive week with Swimming, Production practices, Year 4-6 Futsal and a visit from ERO ( Education Review Office)  at the beginning of the week. I’d like to extend many thanks to our wonderful teaching team for their hard work and preparation for the ERO visit. The feedback from Debbie was very positive. She was particularly impressed by the well-maintained school grounds and the strong, learner-focused relationships between teachers and students. Debbie also appreciated how well we cater to diversity at our kura.

The Senior Leadership team worked collaboratively with ERO to identify some possible next steps for development in our kura. These are some potential next steps below.

  1. Aligning Quality Teaching and Learning across the Kura.
  2. Developing our Local Curriculum.
  3. Reducing barriers in our learning environments.

These focus areas are already part of our Strategic Plan under the Mātauranga and Environment pou, putting us in a strong position to make progress. The draft report is expected in November.

Over the past two weeks, our tamariki have had the opportunity to participate in swimming sessions at Huia Pool, and we are thrilled with the progress they’ve made! A huge thank you goes out to the dedicated teachers who coached our tamariki helping them develop important water skills. We also want to acknowledge our parents who supported and supervised the children, ensuring everything ran smoothly. Most importantly, a huge congratulations to our tamariki for their hard work and excellent progress during these sessions. Next year, we will hope to swim at the new Naenae Pool Complex.

We are currently in the process of unpacking our newly refined school values—Manākitanga, Ako, Ngākaunui, and Aumangea—and we want to ensure they resonate with everyone in our community. To do this, we’re asking our tamariki, staff, and whānau to share their thoughts and insights. Your input is invaluable as we work together to finalise statements that accurately reflect these values. Additionally, we will be creating new signage for the school to showcase these concepts and what they mean to us as a community. This week, a survey will come out on Skool Loop with an opportunity for you to provide some feedback. 

We are excited to announce our upcoming school production, “Atua News,” taking place on Monday, 16th, and Tuesday, 17th September. This term, our tamariki have been focusing on Ngā Atua (Māori gods), with each class choosing a specific Atua to represent in the performance. Our goal is for whānau to leave the show with a deeper understanding of each Atua, while also celebrating the talents of our tamariki as they shine on stage. Tickets will be available next week, so be sure to check Skool Loop for access. We can’t wait to share this special event with you!

We would like to wish all the fathers in the Dyer Street School community a very happy Father’s Day for Sunday! Whether you’re a dad, stepdad, granddad, or a father figure, your love, support, and guidance mean the world to your tamariki. We hope you enjoyed a day filled with joy, relaxation, and special moments with your whānau. Thank you for all that you do!

Ngā mihi

Lee Ewington


The Link Up Committee (the friendly and relaxed parent-led fun and fundraising group) is next meeting on Monday 1st September at 7:30 p.m.

All supporters of Dyer Street School are most welcome. We meet in the school library. 

We will be preparing for quiz night on the 20th of September. This is a significant fundraiser for our school so please come along!

To contact the committee or be added to the Facebook group please email linkupdyerstreet@gmail.com


Swimming has been a huge effort from all our staff and parent helpers. Thank you to everyone who made this possible for the tamariki. We did notice significant improvement in swimming skills and fitness over the eight sessions. 


Thanks to Whaea Col, Mr Rogers and all the parents who supported the futsal tournaments over the last two weeks, the kids really enjoyed themselves.

School Production – Week 9

You have likely already heard from your tamariki about our school production coming up in week 9. All classes and teachers have been busy working away on their class items.

The show is called Atua News  and all classes will perform an item of their choosing – we have classes singing, dancing and performing plays. 

We will have three performances:

  • Monday 16th of September 1 p.m.
  • Monday 16th of September 6:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday 17th of September 6:00 p.m.

Ideally children will be available for all performances. If you know that your child will be unable to attend any of the performances please get in touch with your child’s teacher.

For the evening performances, children must be dropped off at their classroom between 5:00 p.m. and 5:15 p.m at the latest. Please send children with snacks and a drink bottle to eat in their class during the show. 

Children can be collected from their classrooms following the show, they will need to be signed out by their teacher. They will not be able to leave during the show. 

We will be asking for parent helpers to assist with supervising children in the classrooms during the shows, junior teachers in particular will need help with this. Parent helpers would be required from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for the evening shows. 

There will be 2 tickets available for purchase for each Dyer Street School child. If you require more tickets than this there will be a waiting list. These tickets will go on sale this Wednesday and will be booked online or at the school office. From next week (Monday 9th of September) we will be able to sell unsold tickets to people on the waiting list. We are limiting tickets as we are restricted by seating numbers in the hall and want to give all families a chance to see their children perform. We have three shows which will allow for approximately 3 tickets per DSS child. 

Tickets will be $5 each. This money will help cover the costs of the production. Snacks, drinks and coffee will be available to purchase before the shows. 

Children 3 years and younger can be seated on adult laps, if you want them to have their own seat then please purchase a ticket. For fire safety reasons we will need to keep aisles clear so please consider whether preschoolers will be able to stay seated for the show when planning attendance. 

There will be a dress rehearsal on the Friday of week 8 but this will not open to whānau. 

Please keep an eye on Skool Loop this Wednesday for the booking form for tickets.

Ngā mihi nui


Upcoming Events

29th August – 3rd September – Scholastic Book Fair

30th August – Whole School Assembly

13th September – School Production Dress Rehearsal

16 – 17 September – School Production 

20 September – Fundraising Quiz Night

23 – 27 September – Bee Healthy Dental Van onsite

24th September – School Photos

27th September – Last Day of Term 3


Room 2 

Room 2 read a new book with Whaea Bridgette called “You Can Do It: Have a Go!” which taught us about being brave and the different zones for learning. We learnt about our Comfort Zone, Fear Zone, Learning Zone, and Growth Zone. We drew rainbows to represent the zones and matched activities to each zone. It was interesting to see how everyone’s rainbow was so different!




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