Week 1, Term 1 Newsletter

Dyer Street School
School Newsletter

Newsletter Contents:

1. Message From the Principal

2. Welcome to new whānau

3. Link Up Committee (Fun and Fundraising group)

4. Hero – Home/School Communication

5. Classroom Release Time – Staffing information

6. Lunch Update

7. Sports @ Dyer Street

8. Important Dates and Reminders

9. From the classrooms – Room 4

10. School Events

11. Community Notices

Tēna koutou e te whānau,

Nau mai, haere mai e te whānau!

Welcome back to the 2025 school year! It’s been a fantastic first week as we settle back into the rhythm of school life. Our classrooms are looking organised, inviting, and ready for learning, and it’s been great to see tamariki getting straight into their mahi from day one—helped by having their stationery ready to go. This has also meant that crucial systems and class expectations are already taking shape.

As we walk around our kura, it’s heartening to see our tamariki stepping up with manaakitanga and leadership—whether it’s getting back into Road Patrol, refereeing junior soccer games, or distributing kāpura lunches. It really feels like the systems and values we’ve been building over the past few years are coming to life.

We’ve also had a couple of property wins over the holiday break! You may have noticed the new signage on Roberts Street and the fresh coat of paint inside the hall. A huge thank you to Aaron Boyd and his team for the excellent paintwork and donation of paint. Also, Dulux Paint for their contribution in generously donating paint, materials, and colour design.

It’s shaping up to be a great year ahead—we can’t wait to see what’s next!

One of the key focuses for our kura this year is alignment—making sure there’s consistency in how our teaching and learning programmes run and how our classrooms are set up. The goal is to reduce barriers to learning and create spaces where all tamariki feel supported and included.

This aligns with the feedback we received from ERO last year and will be a big part of our kaiako’s professional growth this year. Already, I’m seeing our teachers setting high expectations for their classroom environments and learning programmes. It’s the small things that make a big difference—clear labels so tamariki know where things are, visual timetables to help them see what’s happening throughout the day, flexible seating and learning spaces, regular movement breaks to recharge, and making sure student voice shapes our teaching.

When we provide consistency across the kura, we take the guesswork out of learning and help our tamariki thrive. At some stage, we’ll be reaching out for whānau feedback on this kaupapa, as your insights are an important part of this journey.

Ngā mihi ki a koutou to Anand Ranchod, Addi Peters and Rochelle Browne who join our kaimahi this year. Mr Ranchod is teaching in Room 11 and Addi is in Room 10. Rochelle will be down at Raumanuka Cafe in the mornings and working alongside our tamariki in a learning support capacity.

We held our first pōwhiri of the year on Monday 3rd February. Once again, this showcased the strength of our commitment to Te Ao Māori and understanding of the Pōwhiri process. Our tamariki took on lead roles and stepped up in whaikorero, karanga, waiata and haka. Ngā mihi nui kia koe to Matua Whaitiri for his whākorero and tautoko of our pōwhiri.  

Ngā mihi to Ms Waghorn for her work behind the scenes on this rollout.

Mr Ranchod will lead P.E and Sports this year and will be the key contact point for whānau around any sporting queries. Already we have touch rugby and netball on offer with a lot more to come. Please check your HERO notifications for the most up-to-date opportunities for school sports. Next week, you will be able to order Dyer Street sports tops and hats. We will keep this open for a couple of weeks. Sample sizes will be available in the office to try on as well. 

I look forward to seeing you at our whānau picnic next Wednesday 12th February at 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. We will have Raumanuka Cafe open, a sausage sizzle, and sports equipment out for whānau to enjoy. Bring along some kai and a picnic blanket too. 

Ngā mihi

Lee Ewington


This week’s principal’s award winners. 

We are so happy to welcome the following new tamariki and their whānau to Dyer Street School,

Room 1: Madeline, Marley, Micah, Ruby, Santiago and Una

Room 4: Dwija & Ivy

Room 9: Darsh & Kiara

Room 11: Ceideys

We hope you feel part of our wonderful community. 

The Link Up Committee (the friendly and relaxed parent-led fun and fundraising group) is next meeting on Monday 10th February 2025 at 7:30 p.m. in the school library. 

This year Hero will be used to communicate about meetings and opportunities to contribute to fundraising and support for the school. If you would like to receive these posts please let Ms Waghorn know – megw@dyerstreet.school.nz

Tea towels are still available to purchase at the school office. $15 each or $25 for 2. 

Road Patrol – Help Needed!
If you are available to help with Road Patrol once a week (2:50 – 3:15 p.m.) please email Mr Ranchod anandr@dyerstreet.school.nz . It can be quite difficult for classroom teachers to make it out to Road Patrol duty immediately after school so we would love some more parent volunteers. Your child does not have to be a road patroller. 

You will have noticed the rollout of our new communication platform – HERO. 

Our goal in moving to HERO was to create a one-stop platform for all communication and reporting of student learning and progress, removing the need for multiple channels. Already, HERO has been a game-changer for our staff, with its intuitive design and ease of use making a real difference. Plus, it’s visually appealing and user-friendly!

Over the next couple of terms, we will continue exploring HERO’s full functionality. From a whānau perspective, you should already be able to:
Receive school notices and updates
View student learning and progress reports
Engage with your child’s learning journey

Message your child’s teacher 

In terms of communication going forward, HERO will be our main channel to communicate with whānau. We will not be using the Skool Loop or Seesaw anymore. So your best way to keep in touch with what is going on at Dyer Street School is to check via… 

  1. Email Check your emails- all HERO communication will go to your email
  2. HERO App Download the HERO app to see any notifications.
  3. Facebook – for more in-time information, reminders, and capturing of school events. 

We will do our very best to keep you up to date to have the best partnership with you to enhance your child’s learning, thank you for your support with checking school messages regularly.

Important Privacy Note: When using the “contact teacher” function please be informed that messages can be seen by any adult who has Hero app access to your child – e.g. a co-parent or grandparent who is a primary contact on your child’s enrolment. These messages can also be accessed by school staff, although only the classroom teacher receives a notification for them. This can be useful if for instance, your child’s teacher is absent. However, if you need to be sure that only your child’s teacher sees the message please email them – all teacher emails are available on our website and also posted outside the classroom. 

We will be looking to get further feedback from whānau around the use of HERO and how we can improve the functionality at a later date. 

Classroom Release Time – Staffing Information

As part of the collective employment agreement for teachers, Classroom Release Time ( CRT) has been extended for teachers in 2025. The purpose of the release is to support professional development for teachers and allow time to assess, prepare and plan teaching and learning programmes. 

This means that your child’s teacher will have more release time this year and therefore will be out of class more. Each teacher will get 10 half days per term for this release, some of our teachers have additional entitlements specific to their roles and responsibilities. We have done our best to cater for this release with experienced release teachers that the tamariki know well. Tamariki and whānau can expect the same classroom programmes to be continued when regular release teachers are in class.

Current Classroom Release Teachers:

Room 1 – Ms Waghorn – Wednesdays from 12 p.m.

Room 2 – Ms Waghorn – Every second Wednesday, all-day

Room 3 – Ms Waghorn – Every second Wednesday, all-day

Room 4 – Ms Waghorn – Mondays from 12 p.m.

Room 5 – Ms Waghorn – Mondays from 12 p.m, Matua Lee – Fridays, half day (times may change)

Room 9 – Miss Muzzy (Penny Musgrave) Tuesdays from 12, and every Thursday.

Room 10 – Miss Muzzy (Penny Musgrave)- every second Tuesday, Ms Waghorn – every Friday. 

Room 11 – Miss Muzzy – every second Tuesday, Matua Lee – Fridays, half day (times may change) 

 In some cases, there may be two classes working together, particularly when school-wide events like Kapa Haka and Assembly are on. These set times may change as events and illness arise, but we are prioritising routine and regularity for classroom release. When teachers are sick or on other professional development we will engage casual relievers as per usual. 

Lunch Update

There has been a lot of media attention on the nationwide changes to the school lunch programme. 
We still have our same local lunch supplier, Star Group (formerly Kapura) so our children have not been receiving the lunches you may have seen on social media! After some teething problems we have been happy with the quality and timeliness of lunches provided over the first week back. Thank you to our school lunch champion Saynab, and Sarah from Star Group for their hard work to streamline the new system this week.

Due to funding changes, however, the meal size has got smaller and there is now only one snack provided. Unfortunately, children are no longer receiving fruit as part of the supplied lunch. We would therefore encourage families to include fruit or vegetables in the home snack lunch where possible. 

Our eating routine is as follows:

10:50 – children are supplied with a hot meal and snack. Children are encouraged to try the meal but may eat as much or little of it as they like.

1:00 – children may eat from home lunchboxes.

Teachers of younger children or children with health conditions may at times offer alternative opportunities to snack.

For your interest, these were the meals supplied for Week 2:

Please check your emails or Hero for information on several sports opportunities. If you need assistance please get in touch with Mr Ranchod anandr@dyerstreet.school.nz

Run Club

Calling all runners!!!!! If you are keen to get involved in this new club then come and meet Mr Ranchod outside the Hall at 8 am on Tuesday. We will be going for short runs around the local area.  This is only open to students from Year 4 to Year 6 at this stage. There will be an opportunity for Years 1 to 3 to be a part of this club during break times.

Parents are welcome to tag along too!!

If the weather is not good then a message will be posted on Hero before 7:30 am.

Festival of Cricket

We have the opportunity to take part in the festival of cricket. the details are below. This is open to students from years 3-6 only. If your child is interested then complete the registration and the code of conduct form. Teams consist of 8 players only so if we have a large amount of interest we will select children randomly.

Date: Tuesday 18th February, 2025

Location: Memorial Park, Petone. End of Bracken Street

Time: 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Postponement Date: Thursday 20th February

Register via the form which is linked on Hero.


Registrations for netball are now open. The FutureFerns programme aims to provide a fun and safe environment, whilst maximising opportunities to participate. The FutureFerns programme also offers a free workshop, before the start of the season, for the Adult Helper/s of each team. 

Games are held at Taita Courts on Saturday mornings

Register via the form which is linked on Hero. 

Touch Rugby

Touch registrations are now closed. Games begin in Week 4. 

For all sports this year, you will receive notices about registration via Hero. Once your child is registered a group will be created and all families in that group will start receiving information and updates, again via Hero.

Better Start Literacy Whānau Hui

We invite all whānau along to our Better Start Literacy Whānau Information Hui this Thursday morning. 

You may have heard about the changes to literacy teaching in New Zealand and the phrase “structured literacy”. We have been using the BSLA structured approach to literacy for junior children at our kura since 2022. In 2025 professional development in this evidence based approach is now available for teachers of year 4-6 children too. We are excited that this means all children and teachers can benefit from this approach which has been very successful for our tamariki so far.

To learn more about BSLA and the teaching of reading and writing more generally at Dyer Street School please come along and join us. We highly recommend this for parents of new entrants or anyone who has not attended an information session before. 


Upcoming Events


Week 3

10th February – Fundraising Committee meeting 7:30 p.m.

11th February – Board of Trustees meeting

12th February – Whānau Picnic, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m

13th February – Better Start Literacy Whānau Hui

Week 4

17th February – Chilton St James Kapahaka Exchange

18th February – Festival of Cricket

20th February – Touch rugby begins

21st February – Assembly 2:15 p.m. followed by Whānau Friday

Week 6

Māori whānau hui – day TBC

Week 11

11th April – School finishes for Term 1 at 3 p.m.


Room 4

Room 4 has been learning about the concept of Te Whare Tapa Whā. 

Te Whare Tapa Whā uses the wharenui (meeting house) as a symbol for the 4 cornerstones of health. With its strong foundations and 4 equal sides, the wharenui illustrates the 4 dimensions of well-being.

If one of the 4 dimensions is missing or damaged in some way, a person or collective may become ‘unbalanced’ and subsequently unwell.

Room 4 discussed the following questions:

Taha Hinengaro – What things make you feel good? What do you like doing?

Taha Whānau – Who are the important people in our lives?

Taha Tinana – How do we look after our bodies?

Taha Wairua – What places are important to us?


Kapahaka with Matua Whaitiri

We had our first kapahaka session with Matua Whaitiri this morning. First the performance kapahaka had a session and then the whole school joined in. The children and staff really enjoyed it. Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, Matua Whaitiri.







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